For everyone living in the northern hemisphere, the middle of March denotes the end of winter and the beginning of a season that seems a lot more lively and happy: spring. The snow is melting, the weather is getting warmer, and finally the days are getting longer again, the sun greeting us when we leave the house in the morning, still being there when we return in the late afternoon.
To celebrate the change of season from cold and unfriendly, to fresh and green, we gathered some ambient sounds that are typical for spring and the festivities taking place during that time.
Sounds of Spring
Say goodbye to snow, ice, and coldness. Spring is here, and that means that one can spend more time outside again without having to fear to catch a cold or flu. A great way to celebrate the longer and warmer days is by making a big bonfire to celebrate the awakening of nature.
Walpurgis Night/May Day
Big fires are also a part of the Walpurgis Night, a celebration dedicated to Saint Walpurga that takes place in many parts of central, eastern, and northern Europe in the night of April 30th. Trees are set up, bonfires are set up, and it’s an overall night of festivities. It is also said to be the night in which witches come out to celebrate, so why not spice up the scene with some bewitched sounds as well?
Next to protests and the infamous riots, the day following Walpurgis Night, May 1st, is also a festive day filled with dancing, singing, and traditional pastries.
A lot more common and better known across the world are the Easter celebrations. This, in it’s core Christian, holiday is a light-hearted and happy one, dedicated to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet, it’s more commonly known for small parades and Easter egg hunting!
Happy and cheerful sounds of spring mornings or children busy finding the eggs cheeky Easter bunny hid for them, fit the blithe atmosphere of the holiday all too well.
Other festivities
During the beginning of spring, other festivals like Holi and Carnival take place as well, carried over from the wintery season, denoting the end of the cold days and the beginning of lent. Sounds of the carnival season can be looked up in the according article.