The holidays are now behind us and the new year is finally here. However, the hangover from all the partying we all did the past weeks is still prevalent and haunting us via headaches and other ailments. What can you do to help ease the after holiday withdrawal? Ambient Mixer has put together an awesome compilation of great songs to help with new year’s hangover effects.
The After Holidays Playlist
Everyone has a playlist for the holidays to get Christmas and New years going. There are numerous of great compilations to help you celebrate in style and party like it will never end. But what about when it’s all over and the hangover begins to set in? Nothing worse than feeling blue and hungover after all the celebrations from the past weeks have taken their toll on us. Now that it’s time to go back to work, to get back into the groove of things, you need a bunch of amazing tunes to ease you back and get rid of that migraine.
Still feeling the holiday spirit? Then check out the Best Christmas Songs For the Holidays
Tom Waits – “The Piano Has Been Drinking [Not Me]”
One song which we all wish was true to it’s title is the one from Tom Waits. Most of us resent all the drinking we’ve done during the holidays. In fact, a few of us spend days saying “I will never drink like that again” Luckily, in this tune, the piano is the culprit. So this is a perfect song to help you forget the many beers and shots you took the past few days and blame it on the piano.
“Where Did You Sleep Last Night” by Lead Belly
How many people will woke up wondering where they were the morning after new years? One of the effects of being hungover is ending up passed out in a place you have no idea or recollection as to how you got there. This tune from Lead Belly asks the question some may be asking themselves the morning after. By the way, where did you sleep last night?
“Sunshine” by Atmosphere
Oh how do we explain that painful hangover from yesterday? This tune from Atmosphere has some lyrics to accentuate the feeling and actions of a hangover. “In front of a the toilet, hands and knees, trying to breathe in between the dry heaves” is reminiscence of the how many end up feeling the day after new year’s eve. Grab a cup of coffee and let this tune help you ease the pain and wash away the hangover blues.
“Drink Away the Pain (Situations)” by Mobb Deep with Q-Tip
There are a numerous amount of folks who think that the only way to get rid of a hangover is by drinking some more the next day. The following song from Mobb Deep touches on that subject by emphasizing that the only way to stop the pain is by “Fill my brain up with liquor, drink away the pain” Of course this may not be the best advice to follow. Nevertheless, listen to this song and “Listen away the pain”
“Headache” by Liz Phair
Without a doubt, if there is a song which exemplifies what most of us end up with during the holidays after drinking too much is “Headache” by Liz Phair. The lyrics are genius in describing what can only be an immense headache. She sings “I can see the Russian Army rolling through my head/On one side of me lies the enemy, the other half is dead.” Of course any person who spends the night drinking during new year’s celebrations can certainly understand this rendition and example.
Find out how to Start Energetic Into The New Year
You don’t really have to be hungover or been drinking on new years to appreciate this great compilation of songs. This playlist is very entertaining and anyone who listens to it will enjoy it. Still, for those that have felt the hungover blues from the binge drinking and partying the nights before, they are even more enjoyable. So grab a cup of coffee or party on. But don’t turn off the music.