Valentine’s Day is just one week away. It’s not yet too late to prepare to spend a great day with your loved one!
Whether your relationship is all new, you have been together for what feels like forever or whether you don’t have someone yet, these 14 Valentine’s Day ideas will make sure that February 14th will be a wonderful day for you and your partner.
Going Out On V-Day
For some couples, especially if you have children, going out is something special in itself. Take the day off and spend some quality time outside the house, just the two of you!
1. A Romantic Dinner
Sometimes, this is all you really need: one evening for yourself. Not everyone can afford to take a whole day off to be with their partner, but that only means that you have to make the time you can spend together count. Save a table at a nice restaurant he or she loves and forget about everything outside of your little bubble for a few hours.
2. Go Ice Skating
Cary Grant and Loretta Young prove a point here: ice skating is a very romantic thing. Look up the closest ice rink, rent two pair of skates and get on the ice.
3. Go To A Game Or Concert
What speaks against celebrating Valentine’s Day with many other people? There is a game you two want to see or a concert you want to visit on the 14th? Then have your romantic day there! After all, you should have fun on the day of love.
4. Spa Day / Massage / Couple Sauna
Treat yourselves! A couples massage, a nice spa treatment, sweating in the sauna together… Instead of treating the other, do something that relaxes you both.
5. Go Swimming
I you live near a beach and the weather is fit, why not spend Valentine’s at the beach, lying in the sand, splashing in the waves with your loved one? But even if the weather doesn’t allow it, indoor pools with a nice atmosphere (whatever suits you, really) can be a great alternative.
6. Gaze At The Stars
When the weather allows it, grab your loved one and show him/her the stars. It doesn’t matter if it’s warm out or if you have to wrap yourselves into a cozy blanket, lets go out and see what the stars have to say about your future.

Staying In During Valentine’s
But maybe you do not want to go out this Valentine’s Day. No problem. A day or evening spend at home can be just as romantic!
7. A Romantic Dinner – Part 2
You don’t have to go out to have a romantic candle light dinner with your significant other. True, the preparations may be a bit more elaborate than searching for a restaurant, but you can make sure that you two will get a meal that is provided with love and nothing but.
8. Movie Night
You don’t want to go all out on Valentine’s and just spend some peaceful hours at home? Then do exactly this! Switch of your phones and search for a great movie on Netflix or your DVD collection that you both can enjoy.
9. Create A Home Spa
Spa visits are expensive, but you can easily recreate them at home. Surprise your loved one with a relaxing atmosphere, a refreshing cocktail and a massage by hands that surely know how and where they like and need to be kneaded.
For a great atmosphere, check out our article on Picking Music For A Spa At Home.
10. Stay In Bed All Day
Breakfast in bed is something well known on Valentine’s Day. How about dinner in bed? How about staying in bed for the remainder of the day? Nothing is calling your attention today, or rather: nothing should. Valentine’s Day comes on a Sunday, so make it a lazy one that does not require setting a foot out of your comfortable bed.
11. Have An Indoor Picnic
The weather’s not in your favor? Prepare the picnic basket nonetheless! A heated fireplace (or at least a fireplace ambient if you don’t have a real one) and a cozy blanket can substitute a sunny meadow. Plus: no ants or insects bothering you!

More Valentine’s Day Ideas
12. Recreate Your First Date
Where have you been to on your first date? Did you go to dinner or to watch a movie? Did you take a stroll through the park or did you do something else entirely? Take your partner on a trip through time and back to your very first date.
13. Rent A hotel Room
A mixture between going out and staying in: staying in someplace else. Sometimes, in a relationship, what you need is distance to the place you share day in and day out. Grant yourself a night in a romantic hotel room and concentrate on being nothing but happy with each other.
14. Say “I Love You”
After all, Valentine’s is all about love. Don’t forget to tell your s/o this most important thing: that you love them!