It seems like everyone loves music and the benefits are pretty clear. However, music for children is especially important. As they are beginning to learn and grow, it is critical that they get the support they need at this critical juncture of their lives. Music can do that.
Here are some of the ways music for children can have tremendously positive impacts on young people.
Language Skills
Even though some parents grow weary of singing the same, repetitive songs to their young children, they provide a tremendous benefit. As the children hear the sounds and the words within the songs, they begin to find the connection between the sounds they hear and the words of the song. This is the beginning of their literacy skills.
The benefits of music for children can be seen even when there are no words to the song. Children develop important pre-reading skills through the hand clapping, feet stomping and the usage of rhythm instruments. These skills begin to develop long before the child can actually speak or read.
Listening Skills
Another benefit of music for children is that it helps them develop their listening skills. Children who listen to music will hear the melodies, tempos and musical dynamics of the songs. They will also begin to recognize the differences between the loud parts of the song compared to the soft. Listening to the fast and slow tempos will also encourage the auditory development of their brains.
Math Skills
The importance of music for children can also be seen in their math skills. This benefit isn’t related to their counting skills, but the more expansive skills of sequencing and patterns.
Brain Connections
Music can also stimulate a child’s brain connections, which can have a substantial impact on their special reasoning skills and abilities. A study that was completed at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh showed that children who were exposed to multi-sensory stimulation scored higher on spatial reasoning tests. These spatial reasoning skills are important when they begin to learn about math, science and engineering.
Some of the music for children can also be beneficial because of the movement they inspire. A great example of this is the song, the Hokey Pokey. This helps give children a sense of direction, from moving back and forth. It also helps them learn about rhythm and practice their motor skills.
Stress Relief
If you’ve even driven down the highway with the windows open and the music blasting, you know that music can be a stress reliever. This applies to children as well as adults. Singing and moving with the music provides the children with a sense of safety and it can go a long way toward reducing stress in children. This comfort with music will even extend to the classroom as the child grows up. When they are in a new classroom, they will instantly feel less stress when the group sings a song that they’re already familiar with.
This type of stress relief can work during transitions as well. For example, when you’re in the car going from one place to the next, music can keep the children happy and stress free. A fun way to take this a step further is to make up new lyrics to sing along the way.
Music is good for everyone, but music for children has even bigger benefits. These little ones are just starting out in life and adding music to their young lives can go a long way toward starting them out on the right foot.