Re-Create Your Happy Place

Happy Place
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Your Happy Place is not an actual, physical location. It is rather a state of mind you reach out for and achieve when you want to avoid certain situations. Others use their happy place to “go to” when they are in a bad mood and need cheering up. In any way, your happy place is a mental sanctuary and a place where you can recharge and feel joyous.

Everyone has a different happy place. For some it’s linked to a childhood memory, to others it resembles a fantasy. A happy place can be empty and peaceful, or crowded and happy. There are no rules how your personal mental sanctuary has to look like. Whatever puts you at ease and calms your nerves, makes you feel less lonely or helps you through a rough time is allowed!

You are the only one who can create such a happy place for yourself as you are the only one who knows about your preferences. However, we from may be able to help you create and go to your happy place!


Re-Create Your Happy Place With Ambient Sounds

Ambient noise is a part of our everyday life. They can calm us or unnerve us, make us feel save or keep us awake. Leaving the negative effects of certain ambient noise behind, soothing and calming sounds can help you to go to your happy place to unwind a lot faster.

Again, we don’t know about your preferences, only you do. However, there are some sounds that many people consider soothing and calming. Using these and the Ambient Mixer, you can create a sound atmosphere for your individual sanctuary. Depending on your mood, you may also have different happy places for different reasons. No problem, you can create them all – for free.

Following, we list some examples for ambient atmospheres that can help you to re-create and access your happy place.

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A Meadow


A peaceful meadow consists of soft wind, singing birds and overall calm sounds. There may be a little creek nearby or some horses or deer grazing close to you. Grasshoppers or crickets or the busy buzzing of bees create a nice feeling of summer or a summer night.
No matter what, a meadow is a calm and peaceful place where you can let loose and unwind perfectly.


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A Forest


Forests can be different things: mysterious, calming, frightening, lively, calm, …
With the sound of wind in the trees and different animals nearby, you can create the forest you wish to wander in. Add some footsteps on dirt or grass and you can feel like wandering the forest. A must have for almost every forest, at least during the day, is the sound of a woodpecker in the distance.


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A Cave


Caves are naturally a rather calm and secluded place. Oftentimes, there are streams inside a cave or at least the sound of drops falling from the ceiling. The wind sounds distinctively different in a cave as well and it’s, mostly, bare of wildlife.
The perfect place to go to when you want to be left alone.


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At Home

At Home

Our home is a place we created ourselves in the physical world. No matter if it’s just one room, an apartment or a whole house, you made this place your own where you can feel safe and happy.
Unfortunately, we can’t always be home or the outside noise is distracting you too much. A crackling fire, the sound of a fan or the purring of your cat can quickly create the feeling of being homely.


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In Bed


A very special place inside our home is our bedroom. Sometimes, it’s the only place that’s entirely ours, our real life sanctuary where we can close the door and leave the world and the day behind.
A cozy and quiet bedroom with calming music can already be enough to be a perfect happy place. Another take on it many of our users have taken, however, is sleeping next to someone you love.



User Examples

Several users have already created their happy place using the Ambient Mixer. Check out some of their atmospheres for inspiration, or maybe your happy place is already among them:

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