January is a unique time of year. The hustle and bustle of the holidays are behind you, but you’re still right in the middle of the winter. There is no end in sight to the cold temperatures and bad weather. It’s really difficult to stay motivated when you know you’re facing several more months of cold weather before you can get back outside.
There are several ways to deal with this time of year. One is to focus on football and the NFL playoffs that will last through the month. If that doesn’t help, a tried-and-true method to make it through the blah’s of this time of year is to think about the sound of nature in all its glory. The best way to get rid of the claustrophobic feeling of spending all your time inside it to pretend you’re outside!
The Forest
What better way to pretend like it’s not cold and snowy outside than to use the sound of nature to transport yourself to the middle of a glorious forest? You can be get the feeling of being on a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime excursion to the middle of the rain forest, or just a relaxing, leisurely walk through the woods. Either way, the sound of nature will come through loud and clear.
While not all people like to be in the water, most people like to be near it. Not being able to go to the beach or take a walk along the local river during the winter can be difficult for people who love the water and the sound of nature. These sounds inspired by water can take your mind to a peaceful lake in Minnesota, the roaring waves of the ocean, or the quiet and rhythmic sounds of a babbling brook. Listening to the sound of nature while your inside, can make you feel like you’re outside, but without the snow!
The weather we experience during the winter is pretty consistently the same. It’s either a nice, sunny day (and cold), or it’s snow and ice. We get enough of the sounds of a blizzard during the winter and sometimes the perfect remedy is to hear the sounds of other types of weather.
What better way to forget that you’re in the midst of months and months of cold weather than the sounds of a good, old fashioned, relaxing summer thunderstorm. During the summer months, those sounds can sometimes be annoying, but during the winter, the clap of thunder would be a welcome distraction from the snow and a reminder that at some point the cold will end.
Some people find the sound of nature through a thunderstorm to be so relaxing that they even use those types of ambient tracks to help them sleep!
What better way to forget that you’re locked inside your house for a few more months than to distract yourself with the unique and wonderful sounds of wildlife? You can use the sounds of a late spring night or a dark night in the forest to remind you of some of your time in the outdoors. Listening to the frogs and crickets might be the perfect sounds of inspiration to help you start planning all the fun activities you will get to do when the temperatures start to rise and you can get back outside!
Now it’s time to pick your favorite sound of nature to help you deal with the next few months of winter!