Handwriting is a great way to bring thoughts to paper quickly. Even in times of mobile phones and digital notes, many people still write post its or lists and little messages by hand. It simply has a nice touch and usually is quicker when you have a pen and paper within reach.
However, handwriting has other benefits as well. During Camp NaNoWriMo, we do not suggest to write a whole novel by hand. Especially since publishing (if that is your plan) would be a lot harder that way. And still, let us strike a blow for handwriting! Check out why, even in the time of notebooks, laptops and computers, handwriting should still be something to consider.
Why Handwriting Is Good For You
When studying, you should consider taking your notes and cheat sheets with pen and paper. This will actually help you learn better since writing by hand activates neural circuits that can increase our understanding, memory and perception. Words, sentences, whole chunks of information written by hand are far more likely to be stored in our brain than the ones we type up using a computer and keyboard.
Handwriting makes learning easier
A 2012 study at the Middlesex University (UK) showed that writing by hand can help to treat dyslexia. This reading disorder – which is independent from a person’s overall intelligence – is often caused by mixing up letters. Especially writing in cursive can prevent these inversions and thus help people with dyslexia to make sense of the written word.
Handwriting helps in treating dyslexia
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-pencil”]Rainy Day At Writing Camp[/iconheading]
Maybe mixing it up is a good idea?
This atmosphere of a Rainy Writing Day At Camp NaNo combines the usage of an old typewriter with classical handwriting of pen on paper. Perfected with rain against the window and dropping on a tin roof.
Did you notice that, when writing on a computer or phone, you rely on spellchecking a lot? This is hardly possible when writing with your hand since you would have to look up every word instead of just treating the ones your writing program already points out. In reverse, handwriting helps you to stay fit and skilled when it comes to spelling. Instead of relying on a machine, you rely on your own knowledge and memory.
Handwriting helps with spelling correctly
Apart from the above, there are numerous other positive effects handwriting has on the human brain. It boosts and enhances memory, coordination, creativity and other parts of the brain that would be unaffected by typing something out. The motions and thought that has to be put into writing something with pen and paper activate different regions in the brain that foster the aforementioned aspects.
Handwriting is good for your brain
There are many differences between e-mails and letters. But printed and handwritten letters differ as well. Imagine receiving a printed letter. It’s neat, you know what’s up, and that’s it. Now, imagine you receive a handwritten letter. It’s simply a different feeling, isn’t it? Handwritten notes and letters feel more personal. They show the distinct personal note of the one who wrote it and leaves space for doodles and charming little mistakes.
Handwriting is more personal
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-pencil”]Shakespeare’s Writing Desk[/iconheading]
The sound of handwriting also has a soothing and maybe even inspirational effect!
Check out this atmosphere right from Shakespeare’s Writing Desk. With fiddle music, a crackling fire and the author himself busy writing up his next play or sonnet.