Sometimes, writing does not come so easily to the eager ones. This is why many renowned authors give the advice of using writing prompts. These prompts are supposed to inspire you and give you an idea of what to write your next story, novel, poem or even just a scene about.
We at Ambient-Mixer.com are specialized on ambient sounds and music. Thus the idea of audible writing prompts basically suggests itself. If you are stuck in writing – for Camp NaNoWriMo or out of your own motivation – grab your headphones and check out the following short audio writing prompts.
Audio Writing Prompts For Different Genres
Writing prompts can be found all over the internet. Sometimes they are simply pictures of a place or weird scene. Most of the time, however, they are written prompts, consisting of one or two sentences – or even more. Many people, however, have easier access to their imagination when listening to music or given other audible cues. This is why we decided to give you a different approach to writing prompts!
Check out the following soundscapes and ambient mixes to get inspired. Take them as short writing prompts to write away, no matter if it’s a short story, a poem or a whole novel.
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]There’s Something Out There – Horror/Suspense[/iconheading]
The creator of this mix states that it was created to make people feel uncomfortable. Well, they certainly succeeded. What better background for a horror story, creating an eerie feeling of suspense than a forest that is not as peaceful and quiet as it seems?
Featuring sounds of:
- dogs howling and whining
- fire crackling
- panting and shallow breathing
- walking through leaves
- nightly crickets and rustling leaves
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Urban Rainstorm – Urban/Contemporary[/iconheading]
A rainy day or evening in the city. You hear the rain and rolling thunder over the typical city traffic. It’s a sobering or even sad atmosphere that could inspire a sad tale or turning point in your story.
Featuring sounds of:
- rain and thunder
- city traffic
- dogs barking
- sirens of an ambulance or police car
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]GTA V – Action/Suspense[/iconheading]
Created with the GTA V video game in mind, this atmosphere features tense music and an overall rather violent vibe. Perfectly fitting a car chase, a showdown between police and a mob of gangsters, or the simple, everyday background of the worse parts of town.
Featuring sounds of:
- tense music
- police sirens
- gun shots
- city traffic
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Witch’s Cottage – Fantasy[/iconheading]
It is your decision whether you want to go with the image of an old, ghastly woman from ancient fairy tales or a good-willed and empowered sorceress. Whichever way you want to go, this medieval soundscape of a witch’s cottage in the deep woods or a dark cave is the perfect background.
Featuring sounds of:
- boiling water
- a warm hearth fire
- dripping
- flipping through a book
- creaking wood
- frogs and toads
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Café in the Morning – Contemporary[/iconheading]
A busy café in the early morning, couldn’t that be the place of a fateful meeting? Close your eyes and imagine being there, listening to the conversations around and enjoying a nice cup of coffee.
Featuring sounds of:
- café crowd
- music
- pouring tea or coffee
- stirring in a cup
- newspaper pages being shuffled
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Busy Starship Bridge – Sci-Fi/Futuristic[/iconheading]
Only few things are more typical for science fiction than the exploration of space. This sci-fi atmosphere inspires you to write about journeys and planets far away from where we live and what we are used to and know. Boldly go where no one has gone before!
Featuring sounds of:
- a buzzing crowd
- beeping and typing
- space rumble
- footsteps on the bridge
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Peaceful Forest Glade – Fantasy/Contemporary[/iconheading]
A peaceful forest could set the scene for so many things. What you make out of it is your decision, whether it’s a fantasy setting or the place where two lovers meet. Is it an escape place for your protagonist? Or the place where they used to meet up with their childhood friends?
Featuring sounds of:
- birds chirping
- insects
- a nearby creek
- wind in the leaves
- occasional page shuffling
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”fa fa-volume-up” color=”#c3010f”]Police Crime Scene – Crime/Contemporary[/iconheading]
What happened here? Sounds of a crime scene with someone – a witness, a relative? – crying dearly. Find inspiration for your cop, detective or even murderer character in this ambient noise mix.
Featuring sounds of:
- police sirens
- a woman crying
- police radio
Pro Tip:
Combine different ambient mixes to create a soundtrack for your story, book or novel. Every scene has a different mood, a different setting. Get your inspiration from different ambient noise tracks for all of them.
Of course you can also create your own. You didn’t find the right one that fits your scene and mood? Creating your own ambient noise mixes doesn’t cost a thing! And hey, it’s fun! ?
Share your favorite ambient mix with us!
Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr!