Around The World With

Around The World
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Where did this year’s summer vacation take you to? New York? Sydney? Paris? Hawaii?

So, if you didn’t have the chance to travel the world, if you want to do even more exploring than you did this summer or if you want to re-visit your favorite places once again: plug in your headphones! Close your eyes and let take you on an auditory trip around the world. In our database, you already find many mixes from all seven continents created by our users. The one you are looking for is not among them? Create your own!

But so far, we can present you with the best ones in this vacation and inter-nationality inspired article.


Around The World

For the sake of this article, we decided the common notion of the world being divided into seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia (or Oceania) and Antarctica. Choose the part of the world you want to travel to in your mind and check out either the suggested ambient noise atmosphere we chose, search for even more on our website, or create your very own one.


North America

When you live in the States, you don’t have to leave the country to find new, interesting places to travel to. And for everyone living outside the USA, the big cities, beautiful national parks and diverse landscape are well worth a visit.

[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]Big Cities

New York Rain Only

San Francisco Harbor

The French Quarter in the 30s

US States


Texas Rain

Florida Beach

California Morning

Minnesota Lake

Northern Illinois Forest

Kona, Hawaii


Canadian Forest

Cold Canadian Night

On A Canadian Lake


Spirits of the Ancestors

Aztec Sculpting Temple



South America

Southern America is a region full of rich culture and stunning beaches. Ancient sites and deep jungles as well as the lively big cities are among the most attractive tourist spots.

[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]Countries

Praia Do Bessa

Bolivian Mountains

Rain in the Cordillera

Rain Forests & Jungles

Tropical Rain Forest

Island Jungle

Rain Forest Intro




Europe is a continent on which many different cultures and traditions live closely together. The big number of different countries close together makes for a great travel experience without having to cover big distances.

[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]Big Cities

Florence, Italy

Paris At Night

London Streets

Restaurant In Capri

Mykonos, Greece



Irish Countryside

Coast Of Scotland

Rainy English Countryside

Waterfront Shop

La Provence

Polish Wilderness

The Swiss Alps

Italian Summer Wood

The Shores Of Greece

Norwegian Hiking


Castle Leoch





As a continent with a rich yet unfortunately violent history, Africa still provides many stunning and beautiful places worth a visit. Interesting wildlife and modern cities among deserts are only two examples of Africa’s charm.

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Dusk In The Desert

African Jungle

Tribal Hyena

By The Savannah Lake

The Savannah At Dusk

Desert Journey




As one of the biggest continents, Asia provides everything from vast, open-ranged landscapes to peaceful and secluded islands. The major cities are equally worth a visit as the small, more mountains sanctuary for spirituality.

[notification type=”alert-info” close=”false” ]Big Cities

Sitting In A Café In Hanoi

Kowloon Quay


Mountains North Of Japan


Arabic Market Square


Chinese Village

India Boat Trip

Way Of Tao

Japanese Forest

Nepal Mountain Village




Islands is what this region of earth mostly looks like. Next to Australia and New Zealand, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, many other small groups of islands can be found in the Pacific Ocean.

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Verandah In The Outback


Otari School




Due to the very low temperatures, the Antarctica is not very well known for it’s tourist destinations. That shouldn’t stop you from enjoying these audio mixes dedicated to the coldest continent.

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Arctic Mountain Camp


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