Sounds are all over the place and they happen all around us. We hear millions of different sounds every day just about everywhere we go. But there are many fascinating and enjoyable things about sounds that may surprise you. Below, are 18 interesting and fun facts about sounds you may not even know about.
Sounds are waves which pass through our ears via vibrations and travel by vibrations of molecules. These vibrations occur whenever any object is struck or is made contact with. The impact causes the air molecules to move via vibrations. With every vibration, air particles move around and they continuously bump into each other. Every Time any of these particle vibrations occur, our ears pick them up and we construed them as sounds. Slow moving particles end up creating low sounds while particles that move fast make high sounds.
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Sound Facts You May Not Know
- Believe it or not, there is no sound in space because there are no molecules there. Sound cannot travel through space since there are no molecules to travel through. Here on Earth, we have air molecules which vibrate to our ears.
- Sound travels slower through air than by water. In fact, the speed of sound via water is 4.3 times faster than by air. However, sound does travel far faster through steel than both air and water.
- The most loudest natural sound on Earth is caused by an erupting volcano.
- Since dogs are able to hear sounds at a much higher frequency than humans can, they are able to hear sounds or noises humans cannot.
- It is almost impossible to define music. However, most describe it as significant arrangement of sounds.
- Flies are not able to hear any sounds at all.
- Most white cats that have blue eyes are often unable to hear sounds and are usually deaf.
- Dolphins are capable of hearing sounds underwater from as far as 15 miles away.
- Whale voices are able to travel a whopping 479 miles through the waters of the ocean. They have the ability to communicate with each other for long distances.
- Most animals use sounds to help them detect dangers and hazards before they happen to them.
- Our ears are able to hear distinct sounds because the vibrations which enter through them also ends up in our ears vibrating.
- Sound is unable to travel via a vacuum because a vacuum is empty of matter.
- Acoustics is known as the scientific study of sound waves.
- Sound travels at a speed of around 767 miles per hour.
- The majority of cows which listen to music end up producing more milk than those that do not.
- In order for a whip to crackle or make the noise it creates, it must travel faster than the speed of sound.
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- The fear of music is called melophobia.
- The rapid heated air that surrounds lighting is what causes the sound of thunder. The lightning ends up expanding at a faster speed rate than sound itself.