Each of the four seasons has its own merit, but summer is arguably the best of them all. Why? Well, we have listed 7 reasons why summer IS the best season among the four.
The sun is out
Itching for a tan? Well, it’s summer. You can get as much tan as you wish. Go to the beach or just lay down on your back yard. It’s the same thing. When Mr. Sun is out, you’ll get that tan where ever you are. Practically, you do whatever you want when it’s sunny outside.
Also, when the sun is out, you don’t need to pack thick clothes, scarfs, or winter hats when travelling. Your baggage is lighter and smaller. If you’re traveling with family, that is a huge plus.
It’s not officially summer until you hear the steak sizzling on the grill. That’s not all, of course. There are snacks to chomp up while you’re waiting for the meat. You have the coleslaw, potato salad, corn on the cob, watermelons, tortillas, potato chips, and more.
Ice cream
Eating ice cream is great any day of the year, but eating ice cream in summer is heavenly. You don’t need even an excuse to treat yourself with one ice cream after another. By the way, popsicles are fine too.
Swimming in the summer is a given. Got to the beach, lake, or pool – it doesn’t matter. Playing in the water during summer is a whole lot of fun for kids and adults.

When the sun is out, the great outdoors look far more accessible. You can go to the park to take a walk, play tags, blow bubbles, and ride a bike. You can also go with the cliché and walk barefoot on the grass. Since the sun is out for a while longer, you can enjoy going out longer too.
Going hiking and camping is also more fun in the summer. You can go out there away from society and just enjoy nature to the fullest.
Well, sports are fun in any season, but some are more fun to play during the warmer months such as baseball, soccer, biking, surfing, kayaking, rock climbing, windsurfing, running, and golf. Whether you’re doing it for fun or competitive, summer is the season for sports.
Summer fairs
Come on, you just got to love summer fairs. The atmosphere is great and it’s so much fun for the whole family. You can go on rides, play (rigged) games, watch interesting shows, eat all manner of delicious food, and have fun all day long.
All said, be safe when you go outside. Pay attention to the weather news. Remember to stay hydrated, protect your eyes with sunglasses, and be on the lookout if anyone catches a heatstroke. Enjoying summer in moderation is key.
By the way, let’s keep summer enjoyable in the foreseeable future. Summer is fun but heat waves are not. Climate change is going to mess people up big time if pretend it doesn’t exist. Just do your best to reduce your own carbon footprint, OK?