The titular proverb expresses the end of crazy weather and the occasional cold snap in March and April. Yes, spring starts in March, but May is the month that promises us warmth, fresh green, blossoming flowers and an end to the depressing cold and grey weather.
There are more reasons to be joyful that May is finally here! In this article, we will tell you why jumping up and punching your fist into the air is very much in order!
The Month of May
The fifth month of the year got its name from the Greek goddess of fertility, Maia.
Many holidays take place in May, but that’s not the only reason why you should love and praise this month. Lets have a look at all the reasons:
In the Northern hemisphere, May is one of the months of spring. This means that the weather is, while maybe unpredictable, noticeably becoming more friendly. The days get longer while the temperatures raise. Warming sunshine causes all kinds of plants to bloom and birds and other animal to rejoice in glee. Fresh spring showers wash away the last thoughts of winter and let the green of trees and grass appear fresh, full and luscious.
Meteor Showers

May is known for its plethora of meteor showers. Between April and July, many different meteor showers can be sighted. If you want to share a romantic moment with a loved one or an awe-inspiring one with a dear friend, pick a dry night to watch the meteor showers.
- Arietids – strong daylight meteor shower, visible from May 22nd to July 2nd, peak on June 7th
- Eta Aquariids – associated with Halley’s Comet, visible from April 21st to May 20th, peak around May 6th
- Virginids – associated with the Virgo star constellation, visible from late January to early May, peak in March and April
Customs & Holidays
Throughout the month, many spring-related customs and observances take place. On the southern hemisphere, May is the time for many harvest related celebrations as well. Lets have a look at the most common customs and holidays throughout the month:
- Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary – in Roman Catholic tradition, May is the month for devotion and holidays revolving around the Blesses Virgin Mary.
- ALS Awareness Month – Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? Since 1992, May is the national ALS Awareness Month in the United States.
- Burger Month – May is also National Burger Month in the United States though!
- Flores des Mayo – In the Philippines, the festival Flores the Mayo is held in devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Golden Week – In Japan, this weeks of holidays and festivities take place between April 29th and May 3rd or 5th.
In May, awareness of different other diseases and illnesses is risen either throughout the whole month or on particular days. These include brain tumors, hepatitis, asthma, osteoporosis and skin cancer, mental health and more. It is also the national month of water safety and electricity saving in the US, as well as national pet month in the UK.
Other important dates are:
- May 1st: Labour Day (non-US), Beltane
- May 8th: Mother’s Day
- May 23rd: Victoria Day
Other reasons to celebrate:
- The first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day! Visit your local comic book dealer and grab a free comic book!
- The first Saturday of the month is also the day when, traditionally, the Kentucky Derby is held.
- End of School! In many years, May marks the end of an academic year in the United States and that is a reason to celebrate for sure!
Ambient Mixes for May
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”glyphicon-music” color=”#000000″]Mid-May Afternoon[/iconheading]
It is late spring in the UK. Lying by the river in a field at the edge of a wood, you slowly drift-off to sleep with the sounds of birds and insects all around.
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”glyphicon-music” color=”#000000″]Look Up At The Stars[/iconheading]
You’re laying down by the fire on a cosy blanket looking up at the stars.
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[iconheading type=”h4″ style=”glyphicon-music” color=”#000000″]Songbird Meadow[/iconheading]
Spend a lazy afternoon in meadow of fragrant flowers, listening to the birds sing and the bees drone. This is the perfect place to lie on one’s back and watch the clouds drift by- or weave a crown of daisies and prance about, pretending to be a faerie queen!