ADHD or Attention-deficit/Hyperactive Disorder has troubled many children in the world. Much of the trouble comes from notable symptoms of ADHD: the lack of self-control and the difficulty to focus. This symptom hinders children’s ability to learn and study both in school and at home.
Treatments for ADHD include talk therapy, behavior therapy, and medication. However, many parents now seek to treat their children without medications or at least minimize their use.
One magical thing that can help children with ADHD is music.
Can Music Help Children With ADHD/ADD
Research by Florida International University (FIU) discovered that music is not a distractor for kids with ADHD. The research found that although the minority of children with ADHD was distracted by music, the majority was not affected. Even the researchers themselves were baffled with the findings.
The result of the research shed new lights on parents. Instead of letting their kids study in complete silence, playing some music may improve the kids’ ability to focus.
Incorporating music to children learning session
If you’ve been wondering about adding music to the background while your kids are studying, stop wondering and do it. At least try it.
Even for students who don’t suffer from ADHD, playing music can have a positive effect on focus. According to scientists, music activates the specific part of the brain which takes care of spatial reasoning. And thus, playing music helps kids complete tasks that require spatial-temporal reasoning.
What music to play
While many parents prefer classics such as Mozart, any genre will work. One caveat is that you should opt for lyric-less tunes or instrumentals. The lyrics in songs may prove as too much of a distraction even for a normal brain.
Listening to it is the not the only way music can help children with ADHD. Playing musical instruments is also beneficial for kids with ADHD. The benefits include improved memory retention, attention levels, impulse controls, and concentration.
The reason why playing instruments is so beneficial is that it combines three different learning behaviors at once: kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.
That said, kids could only feel the full benefit through repeated practice. Parents must pay attention to practice hours to enforce consistency. It doesn’t have to be a long practice session. As long as the schedule is regular and consistent, children can reap the benefits.
Do remember that each child is unique. Explore your options and see how your children respond.