For a long time, aspiring new artists and bands had to mostly depend on producers and those connected in the music industry for advertising their music. Back then, the venues for new bands to promote their music was very limited. Here, we have put together 10 ways for new artists to promote their music online. Chances were that unless you signed a contract with top music insiders, you had no way to get your music out to potential fans. However, if you fast forward to now, the explosion of internet use, electronic gadgets and social media have changed all of that.
There are now a vast amount of channels, forums, platforms and networks available. You also have apps and communities where musicians can get involved in order to get their music heard. The following guide, shows you some of the best proven and effective methods available for newbands and artists to use.
Issues To Consider
Before you or your band make the decision as to which of these promoting tools you may want to use, there are some factors to consider. Keep in mind, that there is no limit to how many you want to use. You can use a combination of them, all of them or only one. Common sense is that using all of them may allow you to reach more people. Still, it all depends on you, which ones you need and how far you are willing to go.
The first thing you need to do is figure out your fans. Do they spend a lot of time online? Do they visit live bands spots? You may also want to concentrate on how other similar bands such as yours engage their fan base. In addition, research on what they use to receive their content. This pertains to whether they use blogs, videos, photos, articles or something else. Once you have established the answers to these questions, then you can zone in on how to target your audience.
Don’t forget to read about Why Hashtags Are Important For Artists
Create A Website –
The very first thing any artist or band wants to do is make sure they have an online presence. That means your priority number one is to create a website. This website will help connect you and your fan base together. One of the most important factors to having a website is that it will be a place for both new and old fans to find you. Plus, you can also use your website to promote and sell your merchandise and music as well.
Social Media Sites –
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are the place to be if you’re trying to connect and reach out to people. Everyone uses all of these platforms and there are no limits since they can be used worldwide. Once more, hashtags allow artists and bands to let people find them and their music even faster. There are now numerous artists who have made a name for themselves simply by using social media outlets. As time goes by, you can see the number of your followers grow each day. Before long, that large base, can help you grow and gain more fans as they share your music as well.
Mailing List –
Having an email list is very important to people in marketing or any kind of business trying to reach numerous clients. That’s why using emails to reach and connect to your fans is highly recommended. Emails are not only a very useful tool to reach fans, they can also let you gain new ones. You can offer links to videos or other giveaways which your fans will fwd. to others. Best of all, you know that your emails will end up landing in the inbox of those you are trying to reach. Make sure you create a weekly or monthly newsletter as you grow. This will help keep all of your fans up to date on what you are doing or anything new happening with the band.
Stream Music –
Although music streaming has led to the decline of album sales, it has also opened the door for countless of artists. Platforms such as Apple Music, Hulu and Spotify are one of the greatest and easiest ways for your fans to hear your music. Best of all, they can hear it when they want to, wherever they are. Moreover, anyone online looking for new music can also find you. While you won’t make that much money from it, you will still get royalties. Still, as you gain more fans, you can make the money from going on tour, purchasing your merchandize online and so on.
Blogs –
Although very similar, a blog is not the same as website. That’s because blogs are not as formal, are constantly being updated and are also interactive. There are also RSS feeds which lets you connect with people especifically searching for certain topics or content. In your blog, you can offer personal entries, album reviews, touring diaries and many other things. You can use it as a way to connect with your fans by expressing how you feel. That can be sadness, anger, joy or anything else. For those who want to know what you or the band are really all about, a blog can help them.
Online Radio –
One of the best things about the internet, is online radio stations. Users are no longer limited to traditional radio stations like before. These days, there are millions of online radio stations to choose from. You can use sites such as Soundcloud or 8Tracks to get your music out there. The best part about many of these sites, is that you can upload your content and users will find you. Millions of people searching for new bands and artists, end up finding them using online radio.
YouTube –
YouTube is the number one music streaming service on the web today. It has been for years now because it has just about anything people are searching for. Using YouTube, will allow you to reach fans all over the world and amplify your audience. On top of that, if a fan likes your song, they will share it on countless of social media sites too. That will end up leading to more people hearing and seeing your work.
Bandcamp –
The Bandcamp platform is a great tool for bands and artist to use. It offers two very useful and unique way for them to do so. One, is by letting you expand your mailing list. That’s because Bandcamp lets you offer people freebies in return for their email addresses. You can give them a free single or album download. Using either of these will let you convert new fans to your base. Secondly, you can sell your music and albums through them as well.
Applications –
Just like social media, apps are a great tool for you to use to connect with fans. There are thousands of applications out there you can use to help bring your music to users. These apps such as Awe, Ourstage, My Artists, Soundcloud and Stereomood are just some of the many available. Millions of people use these apps on their smartphones, tablets and computers to listen to new music. You can share your music on them and users who download and install them, will find you. Those looking for a certain genre, simply search whatever that may be and your songs will be available to them. Before you know it, if they like what they hear, they will reach out to you and follow you.
Here’s another article you may find useful – Expand Your Music Library With Unknown Music
Other People’s Blogs –
Using other people’s blogs is a very smart way to reach out to potential new fans. Unlike your blog, which may be new, many of these blogs already have a large following. In turn, you can reach out to them in several ways. You can do guest blogging, music reviews or interviews on them. Concentrate on blogs which have similar bands or artists such as you or are in your music genre. In most cases, these blogs have millions of followers whom you can reach out to and hopefully connect with.