Coffee shop sounds have become a very popular relaxing audio background . This reflects on many web projects creating audio backgrounds resembling a nice and relaxed bar background with the sounds associated to a cozy cafe: some conversation background, smooth background music, discrete sounds of glasses and cups, and some occasional door slams.
Why is this sort of ambiance so demanded? Or are these sites popular because people who work as web based freelancers like to sit around in cafes while working? Or because freelancers at home feel less alone recreating a busy background that somehow resembles the famous and popular “blogger lifestyle?”.
Whatever the reasons for the popularity of coffee bar audio are, the fact is that it is quite an easy ambient to recreate:
Just think of the basic ingredients for the sound of a quite but busy cafe full of creative people:
Conversations in normal or lower tone, hot drinks that need to be removed with a spoon, pastries you eat from tiny plates, people coming in and out but not too often, soft and quite background music, soft doors, computers working, people reading books and so on. Mix all this and add a little weather and outside scenery if you want to make it extra cozy and that’s it!
Here are some basic sound options for your mix:
- Indoor sounds made by people like conversations, laugther, ordering, calling someone.
- The sound of people in the cafe using things like glasses, cups, plates, chairs, computers, mobiles, people on TV, people on radio, reading newspapers or books
- Room background sounds like doors, windows, footsteps on the floor, chairs, ventilators, air conditioners, ovens and typical bar sounds like glasses, registering machine, kitchen sounds, bells, steam and espresso machines or mixers.
- Sounds from the outside like weather, traffic, streets sounds, city sounds
If you think the audio options for a cafe are limited, just take a look a what can be achieved with just some complex sounds in a few tracks:
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Almost all ambiances use the sound of stiring cups, pub ambiance, pouring water into a glass or steam. Perhaps you prefer to take a look around at what other have done?
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