All parents often wonder if their child will one day become a star of some kind. This is especially so when their kids are involved in music. Perhaps it’s hearing your child sing songs in the shower or playing an instrument. For those parents that do not have their children involved in music, they should reconsider it. Experts agree that music education is very beneficial to children in many different ways. Here are some of the many benefits of music education for children.
Improves Their Memory –
In the same way that music improves the memory of adults, it works just as well for young children. Studies have found that participating in music can help kids improve their memory and learning abilities. By stimulating several patterns of a child’s brain, it enhances brain development. They can also learn more as they delve further into their music endeavors.
You don’t want to miss reading Why We Need Music in Schools
Language Development –
According to experts, music education helps children in language development. Studies have shown that there is a physical increase in the left part of their brain. This increase is increased with their involvement in musical training. That part of the brain is often known to involve language processing. In addition, with every musical experience a child goes through, it ends up strengthening their verbal capacity.
Boost Socially –
Many children often find it hard to participate socially or break out of their shell. By picking up an instrument, it helps them interact with others. Being able to feel as though they are part of a bigger picture – such as a band – is very important. It will also teach them to work with others. The rewards they will receive from working together, helps children with learn leadership skills. It also teaches them discipline.
Increases IQ –
E. Glenn Schellenberg, performed a study at the University of Toronto at Mississauga about children and music. It was published in an issue of Psychological Science back in 2004. That research found that children who took piano and voice lessons weekly, had their IQ improve. When compared with a group of children with drama lessons, those that took musical lessons did far better. Their IQ’s were tested before they all entered the studies. Overall, those that took weekly lessons ended up with a 3 points of IQ increase.
Builds Confidence –
For anyone who ever had to sing in front of others, they know that it takes a certain amount of confidence. For children, this can be even more difficult in certain ways. Being able to participate in musical education helps build their confidence. When they play a musical instrument, it can benefit them greatly. As they sing or learn to play an instrument, skill development and confidence increase.
You should also check out Listening To Music Is Good For Your Health
Apart from all of the many benefits we have already covered, there are numerous others. These include teaching the child patience, how to express themselves and continuous learning. In addition, music education teaches discipline, creativity and how to connect with others.