In an earlier blog article, we have talked about different uses for ambient music, for example in retail. Ambient sounds form great background pads for waiting areas, whether you’re in a shopping center or waiting in line to pay your goods. Yet, there is another occasion in daily life where people have to wait a lot: on the phone.
Many companies put their customers on hold when the lines aren’t available, or when the operator currently dealing with the customer has to check back with a colleague. Many companies rely on classical or generic music, and depending on how long the customer has to stay in line, this can become very annoying.
Create more Pleasant Waiting Loops
To not enrage your costumers, you can always provide them with some variety. Contrary to musical pieces, mixed ambient loops have some advantages that will keep your customers more at ease while they are asked to “Please hold the line.”
There is already a category with some inspirations for your background music for being on hold.
Endless Loops
Music follows a certain rhythm and pattern – and it ends and starts anew. These breaks can become very unnerving very quickly. Ambient loops, however, do not contain these breaks. As the name already suggests, they loop endlessly when played online, or for a set time (15, 30, or 60 minutes) when downloaded.
While the background pads of the ambient mix follow a repetitive pattern, other sound effects can vary in appearance, creating a nice and natural diversion. Take, for example, a nice ambient drone as a background sound. In irregular intervals (a few times per minute, per 10 minutes, or per hour), you can add birds chirping, bells ringing, and a soft and calm voice asking the customer to “Please hold.”
Easy to create and swap
Whether you decide to start from scratch or alternate an ambient mix already created for the purpose, creating the background sounds for you answering machine is easy and fun alike. You are free to choose whatever fits your company best – something more technical, calm, natural, or spiritual even.
And maybe, once in a while, you get bothered by ever the same waiting line music, or feel like one of the irregular sounds doesn’t fit anymore. In this case, you can alter and save the mix anew, or easily choose a completely different one.
Completely Customizable
There are many options given already when it comes to creating your own mix. Yet, if you have a certain text you want to occur in the mix, you can always choose to upload your own sound mixes. Record your own welcome message and ask your clients for patience. Then, simply upload the piece of audio and add it to your mix or a mix you favor.