Here, on Ambient-Mixer.com, you can find a ton of custom ambient mixes made by our users. Likewise, to create your own ambient noise atmospheres, you can choose from a wide variety of sound effects and music to use. You can even upload your own if you can’t find one you like. Of course you don’t have to record the sounds yourself – which is of course also possible. You can choose from many royalty free music and sound effect databases all around the web.
In other articles, we have already introduced you to a few websites and resources, where you can find free music and sound effects. You can find them here:
Today, we want to show you a source that is so obvious it’s often overlooked: YouTube!
Get Free Music & Sound Effects From YouTube
Of course we do not mean that you can use any video on YouTube to get your sound samples from. The videos uploaded all belong to the creators and using content without their permission is not what we want to encourage here. But, of course, you will find royalty free music and sound effects there is you search for these terms.
What we are talking about, however, is a YouTube library of sound effects and music you are free and encouraged to use!
Royalty Free Music
YouTube provides its users with a big library of free music to use in their videos. Some songs and pieces may require attribution of the source, but many require no additional notification at all. Let’s have a closer look at this library and what you can do there.
When you open the audio library, the first thing you’ll see is the list of tracks. There, you can listen to the music, download it, or add it to your list of favorites that is also accessible in the audio library. Furthermore, the list gives you information about the length of the track, the artist and genre, what kind of license they were published under and how popular the track is among the users of the library. The colored bar on the left of the track correlates to its mood. For example, sad tracks are marked with blue, while red tracks are listed as “angry”.
Furthermore, you can filter which tracks you want to see in the lest according to genre, mood, instruments used, duration of the track and attribution needed. A search function is, of course, available as well. Combinations of a search and all the filters are also possible.
Free Sound Effects
Next to the music library, YouTube offers you a slightly more limited library with sound effects. There is no attribution needed to use them, even! Let’s see what this library looks like.
Upon opening the library, you will see a list of tracks again. You can, again, listen to, download and favorite the sound effects. The information listed for the sound effects are less than for music, only including the duration, category of the effect and their popularity.
Here, you can search for specific sound effects as well, however the only filter option you have is category. That way, you can look for animal sounds, office sounds or sounds related to weather. Combining a search with the categories filtered is of course also possible.
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